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shami female


Date of registration: Sep 24th 2007

Posts: 90

Thread starter Thread starter


Sunday, April 20th 2008, 11:07pm

which ... are you ?

Wolltest du schon immer mal wissen, welchem Superhelden du am ähnlichsten bist,
welcher Bösewicht dir wie auf den Leib geschnitten ist, oder wer du wärst, wenn du eine
der Figuren aus "Star Wars", "Star Trek" oder "Stargate" wärst?!

Nach diesen Tests kennst du die Antworten :)

Welcher Superheld bist du?

Welcher Super-Schurke bist du?

Welcher Star-Wars-Charakter bist du?

Welcher Star-Trek-Charakter bist du?

Welcher Stargate-SG1-Charakter bist du?

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oldschool male


Date of registration: May 27th 2007

Posts: 30


Monday, April 21st 2008, 12:07am

Bin entweder Spider-man (mein lieblings held) oder der Joker (den mag ich nur weil er teilweise recht komisch ist, zumindest in Batman - The animated series)

auf den rest bin ich irgendwie nicht so scharf...
aber nette tests
Natürliche Dummheit schlägt künstliche Intelligenz jederzeit

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impx male

Crying for danger!

Date of registration: May 25th 2007

Posts: 335


Monday, April 21st 2008, 1:21am

also ich find das komisch ich bin Catwomen , naja vllt nur was falsch angeklickt^^
!Shion and Moin!

Rená ?
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shami female


Date of registration: Sep 24th 2007

Posts: 90

Thread starter Thread starter


Monday, April 21st 2008, 1:23am

Hab die Fragen auch mal eben beantwortet... und das kam dabei raus:

You are Green Lantern
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Green Lantern ==> 80%
Catwoman ==> 75%
Hulk ==> 65%
Batman ==> 65%
Robin ==> 50%
Spider-Man ==> 50%
Wonder Woman ==> 35%
Superman ==> 35%
The Flash ==> 35%
Supergirl ==> 30%
Iron Man ==>25%

You are Mystique
Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion,
but most of the time a deceiving vixen.

Mystique ==> 73%
Mr. Freeze ==> 58%
Venom ==> 49%
Dark Phoenix ==> 46%
Apocalypse ==> 46%
The Joker ==> 45%
Two-Face ==> 45%
Magneto ==> 45%
Poison Ivy ==>45%
Catwoman ==> 42%
Green Goblin ==> 41%
Riddler ==> 36%
Dr. Doom ==> 35%
Kingpin ==> 35%
Lex Luthor ==> 27%
Juggernaut ==> 17%

You are R2-D2
What you lack in height
and communication skills,
you make up for in industriousness,
technical know-how and being there
when others need you most.

R2-D2 ==> 68%
Princess Leia ==> 68%
Luke Skywalker ==> 67%
Obi-Wan Kenobi ==> 63%
Padme ==> 63%
Yoda ==> 62%
Boba Fett ==> 57%
C-3PO ==> 55%
Qui-Gon Jinn ==> 55%
Mace Windu ==> 55%

You are Deanna Troi
You are a caring and loving individual.
You understand people's emotions and
you are able to comfort and counsel them.

Deanna Troi ==> 80%
An Expendable Character (Redshirt) ==> 75%
Geordi LaForge ==> 75%
Spock ==> 72%
Jean-Luc Picard ==> 65%
Mr. Scott ==> 45%
Uhura ==> 40%
Beverly Crusher ==> 40%
Mr. Sulu ==> 40%
Leonard McCoy (Bones) ==> 40%
Data ==> 38%
Worf ==> 35%
Will Riker ==> 30%
Chekov ==> 15%
James T. Kirk (Captain) ==> 15%

You are Samantha Carter
You are highly intelligent and
enjoy scientific challenges,
but you also obey the rules.

Samantha Carter ==> 65%
Thor ==> 65%
Daniel Jackson ==> 61%
Jack O'Neill ==> 51%
General Hammond ==> 50%
Dr. Frasier ==> 50%
Teal'c ==> 37%
A Goa'uld ==> 0%

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Colajunkie male


Date of registration: Jul 24th 2007

Posts: 42


Monday, April 21st 2008, 2:26am

You are An Expendable Character (Redshirt)

Since your accomplishments are seldom noticed,
and you are rarely thought of, you are expendable.
That doesn't mean your job isn't important but if you
were in Star Trek you would be killed off in the first
episode you appeared in.

An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 60%
Geordi LaForge 60%
Leonard McCoy (Bones) 60%
Deanna Troi 55%
Mr. Scott 50%
Beverly Crusher 50%
Jean-Luc Picard 50%
Mr. Sulu 50%
Spock 42%
Chekov 40%
Worf 35%
James T. Kirk (Captain) 35%
Data 34%
Will Riker 30%
Uhura 15%

You are Jack O'Neill

You are a born leader.
You are often cynical.
You are loyal to the end
but you are no brainiac.

Jack O'Neill 61%
Thor 52%
Daniel Jackson 49%
General Hammond 40%
A Goa'uld 35%
Samantha Carter 27%
Teal'c 24%
Dr. Frasier 20%
Daniel: "Es schmeckt nach Hühnchen."
Sam: "Was ist daran so schlimm?"
Daniel: "Es sind Makaroni mit Käse."

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Colajunkie" (Apr 21st 2008, 12:30pm)

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Date of registration: May 25th 2007

Posts: 495


Monday, April 21st 2008, 6:03am

Your results:
You are Apocalypse
Apocalypse 100%
Mystique 100%
The Joker 100%
Green Goblin 100%
Two-Face 100%
Poison Ivy 100%
Venom 100%
Dr. Doom 100%
Lex Luthor 100%
Dark Phoenix 99%
Magneto 99%
Catwoman 99%
Kingpin 99%
Riddler 98%
Mr. Freeze 98%
Juggernaut 84%
You believe in survival of the fittest and you believe that you are the fittest.

-hust- Das Kommt bei raus ..xD

Pyro in die Kurve! - damit die Kurve lebt!
Polizeigewalt niemals Tolerieren - DFB Ignorieren!
Faszination Ultra - Pro Pyrotechnik
Fußballfans sind keine Verbrecher - Ultras never Surrender

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Beckham1001" (Apr 21st 2008, 6:07am)

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Date of registration: Sep 15th 2007

Posts: 7


Monday, April 21st 2008, 10:25am

The Flash 75%
Robin 72%
Spiderman 70%

Dr. Doom
Lex Luthor
The Joker

Star Wars:
Mace Windu
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Darth Maul
Qui-Gon Jinn
Luke Skywalker
Boba Fett
Han Solo
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Kadofflbauer male


Date of registration: Dec 16th 2007

Posts: 180


Monday, April 21st 2008, 12:38pm

Was mich sehr verwundert hat is, dass ich beim Superheld Catwoman bin (man achte auf eminb geschlecht) O.o

Awa was ich cool find, dass ich bei den Bösewichtern Venom bin xD
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Date of registration: May 25th 2007

Posts: 495


Monday, April 21st 2008, 2:02pm

RE: which ... are you ?

Star-Wars-Figur ^^

You are Chewbacca
Chewbacca 65%
Lando Calrissian 65%
Mace Windu 64%
Han Solo 62%
R2-D2 59%
An Ewok 58%
Luke Skywalker 57%
Padme 57%
Jar Jar Binks 53%
Boba Fett 53%
Sure you're tall and hairy,
but you've got heart!

Pyro in die Kurve! - damit die Kurve lebt!
Polizeigewalt niemals Tolerieren - DFB Ignorieren!
Faszination Ultra - Pro Pyrotechnik
Fußballfans sind keine Verbrecher - Ultras never Surrender
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Date of registration: Jul 1st 2007

Posts: 15


Monday, April 21st 2008, 2:02pm

voll komisch.....als held bin ich spiderman und als bösewicht VEnom....
das passt vorne und hinten nich .........spass hats aber gemacht :D
ich geh mich dann mal selber bekämpfen :D
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shami female


Date of registration: Sep 24th 2007

Posts: 90

Thread starter Thread starter


Monday, April 21st 2008, 2:13pm

Bei meinem Freund kam Batman als Held und Joker als Bösewicht raus^^

Find ich aber irgendwie cool... :D

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Plastique female


Date of registration: Dec 17th 2007

Posts: 46


Monday, April 21st 2008, 4:44pm

Your results:
You are Spider-Man
Spider-Man 70%
Supergirl 65%
The Flash 65%
Catwoman 65%
Robin 63%
Wonder Woman 55%
Green Lantern 55%
Superman 50%
Hulk 35%
Batman 35%
Iron Man 35%
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Ich bin ein Kerl =|
It's priest. Have a little priest!

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Druppi92 male


Date of registration: May 31st 2007

Posts: 1


Monday, April 21st 2008, 5:27pm

Als Priester steht da bei mir natürlch:


You are Hulk!
You are a wanderer with
amazing strength.

War doch klar oder XD ?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Druppi92" (Apr 21st 2008, 5:28pm)

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beneee578 male


Date of registration: Sep 20th 2007

Posts: 232


Monday, April 21st 2008, 6:40pm

lol bei mir kam catwoman raus...
hab alles mit dem in der mitte behantwortet,was ich nciht wusste,was es heist,vllt liegts daran xDD

und als schurke Lex Lutho(weis wer wer dass ist?)

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "beneee578" (Apr 21st 2008, 6:48pm)

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shami female


Date of registration: Sep 24th 2007

Posts: 90

Thread starter Thread starter


Monday, April 21st 2008, 7:56pm

@ beneee

Das is der Gegenspieler von Superman^^

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Corpse male


Date of registration: Jun 8th 2007

Posts: 158


Monday, April 21st 2008, 9:10pm

You are Spider-Man
Spider-Man 75%
Green Lantern 70%
Iron Man 60%
Wonder Woman 60%
Catwoman 60%
The Flash 55%
Robin 50%
Supergirl 50%
Hulk 50%
Batman 40%
Superman 15%
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

You are Venom
Venom 70%
Dark Phoenix 68%
Lex Luthor 64%
Kingpin 60%
Dr. Doom 59%
Apocalypse 57%
The Joker 54%
Magneto 53%
Green Goblin 52%
Juggernaut 52%
Two-Face 52%
Mr. Freeze 51%
Catwoman 45%
Mystique 44%
Poison Ivy 42%
Riddler 25%
Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons.

Your results:
You are Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine 62%
R2-D2 61%
Lando Calrissian 60%
Boba Fett 57%
Darth Vader 56%
Qui-Gon Jinn 56%
Darth Maul 56%
Yoda 54%
Jabba the Hutt 54%
Chewbacca 52%
You may be successful,
but you are as ugly
as you are evil.

You are Worf
Worf 80%
Mr. Scott 75%
Chekov 70%
Jean-Luc Picard 60%
Spock 60%
Leonard McCoy (Bones) 60%
Data 56%
Geordi LaForge 55%
Deanna Troi 45%
Will Riker 45%
Uhura 40%
An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 40%
James T. Kirk (Captain) 25%
Beverly Crusher 20%
Mr. Sulu 20%
You are trained in the art of combat
and are usually intimidating.

You are Daniel Jackson
Daniel Jackson 55%
General Hammond 50%
Jack O'Neill 36%
Samantha Carter 35%
A Goa'uld 35%
Thor 30%
Teal'c 24%
Dr. Frasier 10%
You are sensitive to the needs of
others and are a good communicator.
You always stand up for the little guy.
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